ACPHS In The News

Panther Profile: Dr. Elizabeth Brookins

Dr. Elizabeth Brookins in a Panther Profile frame
April 15, 2024

Panther Profiles are Q&这些采访突出了黑豹党形形色色的学生, faculty, staff, alum, 董事会成员和校园社区的其他人. 

Dr. 伊丽莎白·布鲁金斯于2018年加入ACPHS,创建职业预科课程, and to teach anatomy and physiology. She later developed the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences这是一项一年制学位,旨在提高学生在医学院的学习成绩. She is now working to expand the MSBS online.

Dr. 布鲁金斯最近被任命为全国卫生专业顾问协会的候任主席, beginning in August 2024. The position is a six-year commitment, with two years as president-elect, 两年当总统,两年当前任总统.


这是一个从头开始一个新项目的机会. 我联系了卫生专业咨询界的联系人,并开始讨论ACPHS如何为学生在ACPHS获得学士学位后攻读卫生专业学位制定新的合作协议. Then I branched off to expand pre-professional advising; we updated and expanded our Medical Professions Advisory Committee, 由来自不同项目的教职员工组成. 学生现在有一个更正式的申请和面试过程,代表他们向卫生专业学校发送委员会的信.

In addition, 帮助学生充分发挥自己的特长, 我为本科生开设了一个以工作坊为基础的健康专业课程. 然后扩展为两个学期的生物医学科学硕士课程.

The MSBS program is highly customized to the student. Why is that important?

那个硕士学位对那些想要加强医学院申请的学生来说是一个学习成绩提升工具. The students all need to do similar things, 但他们在旅途中的位置略有不同, so we offer individualized advising.

They all need to work on their personal statement, 但其中一些已经这样做了,需要修改. Others have never started it. Likewise, with the MCAT, 医学院入学考试:有些学生已经参加过了,不需要再参加. Other students need to retake it. So, 我们讨论他们将如何改变他们的学习模式, what did they do last time, how can they improve? 然后我们有一些从未参加过考试的学生:他们是如何制定学习计划的?

我们的目标是让学生构建最好的应用程序. There is no perfect application, but it's their best version of themselves, which takes a lot of customization.


我们从21年1月就开始了这个面对面的项目. 这是一个为期一年的项目,学生们从全国各地搬到奥尔巴尼. Last year, we started thinking, 也许我们错过了一些真正能从这个项目中受益的学生,但他们一年内不能搬到奥尔巴尼.

Since the MSBS classes don't have labs, 在线学生不会错过任何动手的部分, so the classes easily adapt. 它还将允许学生在美国的任何地方继续他们的医疗保健志愿者经历.


Great question. Faculty are working with instructional designers. We've all taught online, with the COVID pandemic, 我们都学会了如何提高学生的参与度, 因此,我们的教师正在努力开发最好的在线课程,包括异步和同步内容. 我们将继续通过Zoom提供个人会议和办公时间, just like I do here in person. 学生将有每周同步班会和活动作为一个班级, and some small group activities. 个性化咨询将继续是一个主要组成部分.


我们的目标是让在线课程和面对面课程保持一致. It's the same program, students still have the same advising and resources available at their fingertips; it's just going to be through a screen rather than across the desk.

Students will have all of the same classes, 参加MCAT和入学考试预备课程的能力. They will have all of ACPHS’ Center for Student Success services, from time management to study skill workshops, and they will have access to peer tutoring, professional tutoring and Writing Center support.

ACPHS is known for its tight-knit community. How do you replicate that online?

MSBS项目的一个美妙之处在于,学生们可以立即建立这些联系, 他们很快就形成了学习小组和同志关系. It's not, for lack of a better term, cutthroat. 学生们进来,他们认为,让我们一起努力,让我们都达到我们的目标.

我们要给在线学生开个迎新会, do some icebreakers, get them to know each other and work together, even if they're virtual. 试着让他们和他们的同龄人建立一种面对面的学生建立的联系.


作为医学预科(生物化学专业)和大学一级学生运动员, 我知道管理很多事情并达到目标是什么感觉. 我会谈论我认为有价值的事情,比如时间管理、平衡和目标设定.

我是极少数进入医学院却选择不去的人之一. I decided a Ph.D. 会更符合我的要求,因为我喜欢给学生提供建议和教学. When I am working with pre-med students, I know what they're going through; I understand the application. I also understand when students change their mind. I have had students who say, "我想从医"念了好几年然后到了第四年, they choose dental medicine, and that’s okay! 

What do you do to take a break? Where might we find you off campus or offline?

通常情况下,你会发现我和我的三个孩子中的一个在运动场上. This past weekend, we had a baseball tournament, a diving meet, a basketball tournament and gymnastics.

But even when I am at a sports field, 众所周知,我负责学生的个人陈述, 写笔记,甚至在活动间隙接听学生的Zoom电话.

ACPHS is enrolling now for both the in-person MSBS and the online MSBS option